sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

Climate Change Conference - Denmark 2009


COP15 - Death of the Old World and Birth of a New One

How is it possible that decisions about climate change and fate of mankind are made by:

  • - people who are the culprits of all current problems,
  • - people who had the leadership and power to do something for climate change but have stalled,
  • - people who talk globally but think and act locally,
  • - people who came into power with help of the biggest polluters of the environment,
  • - people who build economic growth on the basis of pollution,
  • - people who claim profit by polluting the environment,
  • - people who trade with the basics of life: water, air and earth,
  • - people who see money as the savior of the world,
  • - people who in their life have never done a thing for the environment,
  • - people who talk about energy saving but live in excess,
  • - people who aren't qualified to solve the problems but won't admit to it,
  • - people who are destroying this planet, not preserving it.

And how is it possible that decisions about climate change aren't made by:

  • - people who have been warning us about the coming problems for decades,
  • - people who have so far done a great deal for preserving the favorable climate,
  • - people who talk and act globally,
  • - people who ought to get a chance to make decisions but don't,
  • - people who want progress that benefits humanity and the environment,
  • - people who put the environment before profit,
  • - people who protect the basics of life: water, air and earth,
  • - people who are qualified to solve the problems,
  • - people who care for the planet,
  • - people who today live the way that entire humanity will have to live in the future: modest in needs and rich in life.

Let's switch the roles. Let people who advocate a better world sit in the conference room and let the delegates and country leaders sit and wait outside the building. Solving the climate change is a problem that must be discussed by people whom a clean environment, stable climate and care for the present and the future is more important than making compromises on account of the planet and mankind.

Therefore, an appeal to all
- environmental organizations,
- human rights organizations,
- humanitarian organizations,
- animal rights organizations,
- organizations for healthy nutrition and life,

and other organizations and people of good will:

Let us join because that is the only way we will get a chance to create a world that we all want and deserve: humane, socially just and ecologically responsible. A world of content people and cleaner environment. A world of a better future.

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