quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009


Sem exagerar nas comemorações....

2010 coming

I Hope it brings good news!

terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009

Happy New Year



Sempre haverá disposição para ver o que temos de bom para dar e receber.

Pile Cat

Afinal conseguimos chegar até aqui...

Pot of good things

Que o ano novo venha repleto de coisas boas para todos.

New Year

Assim se passaram dez anos.

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2009


Feliz Natal para todos!

Coming soon

Nao sei

Até quando, ainda não imaginamos nem nos melhores dias...


Apenas mais um dia...


Sin palabras!!!

sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

Climate Change Conference - Denmark 2009 - Final

The international policy arena has disqualified itself as fully incompetent to deal with an issue such as climate change, where solidarity and collaboration would have been necessary. Instead the usual politics and economical interests were the real winners to the detriment of our children. They will read in 20 years about this conference and they will curse us for not having been able to even agree on the right targets.

What next


Climate Change Conference - Denmark 2009


COP15 - Death of the Old World and Birth of a New One

How is it possible that decisions about climate change and fate of mankind are made by:

  • - people who are the culprits of all current problems,
  • - people who had the leadership and power to do something for climate change but have stalled,
  • - people who talk globally but think and act locally,
  • - people who came into power with help of the biggest polluters of the environment,
  • - people who build economic growth on the basis of pollution,
  • - people who claim profit by polluting the environment,
  • - people who trade with the basics of life: water, air and earth,
  • - people who see money as the savior of the world,
  • - people who in their life have never done a thing for the environment,
  • - people who talk about energy saving but live in excess,
  • - people who aren't qualified to solve the problems but won't admit to it,
  • - people who are destroying this planet, not preserving it.

And how is it possible that decisions about climate change aren't made by:

  • - people who have been warning us about the coming problems for decades,
  • - people who have so far done a great deal for preserving the favorable climate,
  • - people who talk and act globally,
  • - people who ought to get a chance to make decisions but don't,
  • - people who want progress that benefits humanity and the environment,
  • - people who put the environment before profit,
  • - people who protect the basics of life: water, air and earth,
  • - people who are qualified to solve the problems,
  • - people who care for the planet,
  • - people who today live the way that entire humanity will have to live in the future: modest in needs and rich in life.

Let's switch the roles. Let people who advocate a better world sit in the conference room and let the delegates and country leaders sit and wait outside the building. Solving the climate change is a problem that must be discussed by people whom a clean environment, stable climate and care for the present and the future is more important than making compromises on account of the planet and mankind.

Therefore, an appeal to all
- environmental organizations,
- human rights organizations,
- humanitarian organizations,
- animal rights organizations,
- organizations for healthy nutrition and life,

and other organizations and people of good will:

Let us join because that is the only way we will get a chance to create a world that we all want and deserve: humane, socially just and ecologically responsible. A world of content people and cleaner environment. A world of a better future.

sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2009

Primeiro Passo

Vamos dar o primeiro passo...

Climate Change Conference - Denmark 2009

--Time to act is now.

quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009


Não precisa ser muito inteligente para perceber as lições que a natureza está dando...

Climate Change Conference - Denmark 2009

Sadly we watch as the lack of consensus needed to take a firm decision is bringing negotiations to a halt. The reasons to this possible "failure" we think are lying in the complicated perspectives we are seeing this matter. We need to simplify things, brake them down to the basics and then start building.

An old Romanian myth is about an architect called Manole that tried to build a beautiful church. He tried many times but what he was building daytime at night time was crumbling. The God told him he had to sacrifice his wife to get the church finished. He did this as God told him sacrificing his love to build a greater thing.

This is what we have to to. We have to sacrifice a part of our life, sacrifice some of our pleasures so we can have a brighter future! Otherwise...you know what we will have.


So it's Christmas time....

quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2009


Nem qu'eu me lasque!!!!!

Both of you

Hey..vocês aí..vamos parar com essa conversa fiada prá boi dormir?


Conversa..pura conversa...


E foi assim que todos fugiram...


Não estou entendendo....

Licking paws

Esperando pelo momento certo...


It's been too hot days lately!!!!


Só um pouquinho de sono...

terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009


What milk? ..No, I haven't any milk

Happy December

Don't worry..be happy!

domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009

Climate Change Conference - Denmark 2009

Climate change... I fear.

People Who Do Not Want the World to Change, Do Not Want It to Exist at All.

In this time of crises, distrust and false threats, people who are trying to give us solutions are exactly the ones who made this world the way it is. They want the world to remain like this, the way that works for them, not for the people and not for the planet. Our answer must be clearly: »Thanks but no thanks!« The world does not have to continue like this. It must become the way we all want it and not the way we are being forced to accept.

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009

Fat boy

Não digam que não avisei....


Shadow & Darkness

So kind

Hello...give me a kiss!

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009


Follow the leader!

quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2009

What a World

É só uma questão de tempo...

Climate Change Conference Denmark 2009

It's not time to be creative, it's time to be effective !
Unless we reduce the gap between poor and rich Nations the situation will get worsened at every new day. Poors will proceed burning our forests to produce charcoal.
All this funding and discussion is a shocking waste of taxpayers money that could have gone to benefit the world in so many other ways.

Climate Change Conference - Denmark

Responsibility Towards the Present and the Future

The 21st century will be a century of personal maturing and social enlightenment. In this century of enormous social changes the humanity will fight the biggest battle of all time -- a battle between ourselves and our conscience. This will be a battle of personal decisions whose outcome will be crucial for us as well as future generations. The fight between good and evil, goodness and greed, modesty and lavishness, tolerance and violence, honesty and deception, bravery and fear will decide how we will enter the next century. As winners or as losers.

Climate Change Conference - Denmark 2009

Favorable climatic conditions have made it possible for humans to develop. Unfavorable conditions can endanger our existence. We have created our own mega-volcano which has been filling up the atmosphere with toxic gas emissions continually, year after year, 24 hours a day, 200 years in a row. It is invisible and therefore more dangerous than all the volcanos of this world together. We have built it, we have activated it, and it is us who have to deactivate it. Let us do everything we can so that this doesn't happen. We cannot wait for political decisions, scientific results and economic solutions. We are all polluting the atmosphere and we are the ones who must clean it up. Time for discussions and debates has run out.
Now it's time for actions, now and at once.


Um olhar e nada mais...


Pessimismo: É quando a gente perde a capacidade de ver em cores.

segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009



Começar de novo....

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009


Alguém me leva também???

Copenhagen UN Climate Change Conference 2009

I will be there too, Mustapha!

Copenhagen Dec. 2009 Climate Conference

I hope to see a greener world.

Copenhagen 2009 Climate Conference 6. - 18. December 2009


"Em qualquer momento, seja fácil ou difícil,a solução não está "acima" em "algo" ou "alguém",e sim dentro de nós".


Então, a que conclusão podemos chegar?